Mindfulness for ASD gençlik projesi

We took part in TC "Mindfulness for ASD" in Hagen Germany in the period 23-31 August supported by German National Agency and EU in the context of Erasmus+ youth projects. The target of the project was learning about the difficulties the children with autism face in their every day life and how yoga can have positive impact in their life. We had morning yoga sessions where we learned different types of yoga and breathing techniques for reducing stress. We learned many new things about the topic and even visited the local center for people with ASD.
We found out about the project from the Facebook page of the organisation (we have been on their project before).
We learned many new things and information about people with ASD- how they act, how can we help them, the different kinds of diagnoses, about their behaviour and the exercises they do in their therapy appointments.
What we got from the project is getting to know cities in Germany, learning about people with ASD, their behavior and how we can help them.
What we enjoyed most was meeting new people, the yoga and meditation exercises, and the group projects.
We highly recommend Erasmus+ and we believe they every young person should experience it at least once. It's a great way to meet new cultures, many friends all around the world and make unforgettable memories.